Itway announces that its subsidiary 4Science S.p.A. enters the VIenna Stock Exchange
December 28, 2022
The growth of ITWAY
February 3, 2023To download the press release in PDF click here
Ravenna, 24 January 2023 – Angelo Salice is the new Manager of the Cyber Security Business Unit of Itway S.p.A. and will collaborate with the company’s top management in the path of market development and growth and consolidation of the security offering in line with the 2022-2027 Business Plan, with the aim of evolving the current offer of products and services so as to make it increasingly responsive to market needs.
Salice is a well-known figure in the field of Cyber Security, with more than twenty years of experience in Information Security, Risk Management and Compliance. Hehas worked in various companies and multinationals, including Symantec, with ever-increasing roles of responsibility, managing strategic projects with customers of primary importance at national and international level.
«It is a pleasure and an honor for me to be part of Itway, a company with a long history and experience in the Security field» says Angelo Salice «I become part of a company that represents excellence and to which I trust I can make my contribution. The 2022-2027 business plan of the Cyber Security BU, to which I contributed in the drafting, is challenging but certainly achievable. The goal for the coming years is to ensure that Itway is increasingly a security solution provider able to respond effectively to customer needs, offering solutions and services with high added value and with the highest levels of quality on the market. Focus on offering and excellence are the elements on which we aim to make Itway more and more a reference player on the market”.
«I am very happy with Angelo’s entry into Itway» declares the President G. Andrea Farina, who continues «his skills and experience represent a great value for the Company. He is a manager known by the Cyber market and highly appreciated by Customers, Partners and Vendors and his inclusion in Itway represents a fundamental step in the strategy of evolution, growth and development of the Itway Cyber Security Business Unit. I am sure that Angelo will be able to make a valuable contribution to our Group.”
Founded in Ravenna on 4 July 1996 by G. Andrea Farina, Itway SpA is the head of a Group that operates in the IT sector for the design, production and distribution of technologies and solutions in the cybersecurity sector , artificial intelligence (AI) cloud computing and big data. For over 25 years, the group has been the benchmark in the field of Digital Transformation solutions and services. Since 2001 Itway has been listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of the Italian Stock Exchange.
ITWAY Spa Mirella Villa Communication
Tel. 0544 288710 Mirella Villa 335 7592701