The growth of ITWAY
February 3, 2023
Secure servers and databases with protection from Itway
March 15, 2023To download the press release in PDF click here
Itway: Roberto Castelli, founder of BCloud®,
joins the Itway Group as a strategic consultant in the Cybersecurity BU.
Expected 9 million turnover
in the three-year period 2023-2025
Ravenna, 16 February 2023 – Itway S.p.A., parent company active in the IT, Cyber Security, AI and Big Data sector, listed on the Euronext Milan market, announces that Roberto Castelli, founder of BCloud® S.r.l., a company operating in the field of SOFTWARE DEFINED STORAGE, LONG TERM ARCHIVE STORAGE, DATA GOVERNANCE and DATA MANAGEMENT, with a consolidated customer portfolio, joins the Itway Group as a strategic consultant for the commercial development of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Business Unit as an expert in disaster recovery, datacenter, storage and cloud.
Castelli’s task will be to identify new suppliers, technological partners and expand new commercial areas and sales channels.
“The collaboration with Itway will aim to select the best IT platforms in the world to accompany customers on a path of technological evolution thanks to a cloud-oriented architecture” says Roberto Castelli, who continues “the objective of our offer will beto improve performance and redefine the storage experience, simplifying how users securely interact with data. This ensures that corporate information is accessible in the long term and protects data from degradation and offers business continuity solutions that can restore systems and data in the face of serious emergencies that could affect the regular activity of companies. »
«We are very happy to have Roberto on board as a strategic consultant for Itway» declares the President and CEO G. Andrea Farina, who continues «Since Castelli is well known in our market and appreciated by its customers and vendors, its collaboration with Itway represents, in line with the industrial plan, a strengthening of the strategy of internal growth, commercial development and evolution of the Group“.
This press release is available at the Company’s registered office and website at www.itway.com, at Borsa Italiana and at the centralized authorized storage mechanism called “Emarket Storage” managed by Spafid Connect S.p.A., and can be consulted at the www.emarketstorage.com address.
Founded in Ravenna on 4 July 1996 by G. Andrea Farina, Itway SpA is the head of a Group that operates in the IT sector for the design, production and distribution of technologies and solutions in the cybersecurity sector , artificial intelligence (AI) cloud computing and big data. For over 25 years, the group has been the benchmark in the field of Digital Transformation solutions and services. Since 2001 Itway has been listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of the Italian Stock Exchange.
ITWAY Spa Mirella Villa Communication
Tel. 0544 288710 Mirella Villa 335 7592701
investor.relation@itway.com mirella.villa@villacomunicazione.it